It’s a lot more than a breakfast roll and a can of coke.
You won’t be surprised for us to tell you that Australia is the first country in the world to open an official and legitimate Hangover Clinic.
Yes, the facility tends to the needs of poor souls who are dying after a few two many wobbly waters the night before.
The clinic has a number of different remedies depending on the level of hangover a person is experiencing. Here are the (expensive) options available to you.
Option 1: Jump Start – £67
Option 2: Energise – £78
Option 3: Resurrection – £96
If you are in such bad shape that you need treatment like that, then you probably blew a lot of cash the night before so splashing an extra £90 might be a stretch.
We’ve all had that one hangover though where you would literally sell vital organs or your own grandmother just to make it go away.