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27th Jun 2016

This guy reckons he has a better Brexit plan than any politician – and he probably does

'Right. Fuck this. We're ALL up shit creek and we need a paddle. Now, not in three months.'

Kevin Beirne

If you’ve been watching the news at all this weekend, you’ll be well aware that politicians seem to be burying their heads in the sand right now.

The UK has voted to leave the EU, but the only problem is that apparently nobody has any fucking clue what to do next. We know that technically we’re supposed to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, but for some reason both sides are refusing to do so just yet.

David Cameron has resigned as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage are backtracking on their pre-referendum promises and George Osborne apparently thought that this weekend was the perfect time to re-connect with nature and throw his phone in a pond.

We are now at a stage where the main Leave campaigners clearly never believed they would actually win, and are now blaming the Remain side for not having a post-Brexit plan.

Realistically at this point we should be begging Nicola Sturgeon to come down south and run the country since she appears to be the only politician in Britain with any sort of a plan or at least the ability to pretend she has one.

And if the SNP leader does come down to actually help us sort this mess out, maybe she should consider taking on Dom Beaven as a senior adviser.

You might not have heard of him before, but the Bath man has managed to do what so few of our leaders have after the referendum result and set out a clear strategy to unite both sides of the fence and have us all pulling in the same direction to sort out this mess.

Beaven shared his thoughts on Facebook and the status has been shared over 170,000 times now.

Post-Brexit solved. The Union has been preserved.