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23rd Sep 2021

TikTok ‘time traveller’ shares video ‘proof’ he is ‘last person alive on Earth’

Charlie Herbert

He claims he is posting from the year 2027

A TikTok ‘time traveller’ has been sharing videos that he claims show he is the last human alive on Earth after a mass extinction.

As reported by the Sun, TikTok user Javier, who posts under the handle @unicosobreviviente, has posted a number of videos that reportedly record his daily life in a somehow-deserted world.

One of Javier’s films shows an empty street in Spain lined with cars and buildings but a remarkable lack of people, with the caption: “Day 219 alone in the world.”

Other footage he has shared shows him walking past flats and playgrounds with not a soul in sight.

@unicosobreviviente##Quetehacellorar ??♬ Amapolas – Leo Rizzi

He has also used drone footage to show deserted beaches.

@unicosobrevivienteResponder a @esteban0w8♬ Suspense – Creepy Razy

The man’s TikTok username @unicosobreviviente translates as ‘only survivor’ and he has managed to garner 6.4 million followers on the platform.

One of his most popular videos sees him wandering down the aisle of an empty supermarket.

@unicosobreviviente?? @jbalvin ??♬ In Da Getto – J. Balvin & Skrillex

The alleged ‘time traveller’ posted his first video on February 13, claiming that he was exactly six years in the future and the city of Valencia was deserted. The video was captioned: “I just woke up in a hospital and I don’t know what might have happened.

“Today is February 13, 2027, and I am alone in the city.”

You won’t be surprised to hear that the comments on each video are full of people questioning his time travelling credentials.

Some have asked how there is still electricity being generated when everyone is supposedly dead, while others asked whether he could go to a museum and start breaking things to truly prove no one is around. Another suggested Javier go to the nearest cemetery and find the “newest graves with the dates.”

He has done neither of these things.

But maybe make the most of the next six years or so because there could be a future on the way in which a lonely Javier will be the only one left on Earth, like a Spanish Wall-E, roaming the deserted streets and uploading TikToks.

And of course, asking for people to comment, like and follow.

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