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14th Feb 2022

‘Time-traveller’ from 2104 claims New York will be bombed by rogue Chinese pilot

Charlie Herbert

Start looking for houses elsewhere New Yorkers

A ‘time traveller’ who claims to be from the year 2104 has said that New York will be bombed by a rogue Chinese Airforce pilot in 27 years time.

The TikTok user, who is called Matthew Smith (yes, just like the guy who played Doctor Who), claims to be visiting 2022 from more than 80 years in the future.

TikTok is full of self-proclaimed ‘time travellers’ like Matt, all making alarming claims about the future, such as wars, meteor strikes, and zombie apocalypses.

In this particular video, Smith claims:”Here is proof that I am a time-traveller from the year 2104. This is a photo from a person in a fallout shelter from the year 2049.

“It shows New York City being bombed with two tonnes of trinitrotoluene (TNT) from a stolen Chinese plane.

“A member of China’s Air Force disobeyed orders and stole a powerful aircraft and bombed NYC.”

The TikToker claims a fiery fate awaits the Big Apple in 2049 (TikTok)

The video shows an image of the Statue of Liberty, surrounded by a fiery scene.

Smith adds that he might be “forced” to take the video down.

It’s because of a rogue Chinese pilot apparently (TikTok)

A few smart cookies weren’t having it though, with one user commenting: “This guy is the king of cap.”

Another said: “He’s trying to scare kids.”

A third added: “If you were a real time-traveller you wouldn’t post TikToks.”

However, others seemed to insist that Smith’s claims could be true. One user said: “Try or not, we don’t know…. But we can listen, not is impossible. Look at the Indian kid on YouTube, he was trying to warn us about Covid.”

Another, who sounds like they could have a career in international politics, added: “If that’s real then goddamn, China did New York dirty.”

But before you roll your eyes even more, this ‘time traveller’ seems to be doing alright for himself, having gathered a following of 181,000 people in TikTok, and his videos getting tens of thousands of views.

Make of that what you will.

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