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16th Apr 2016

Watch this toddler defend his grandma from police with a heavy metal pipe

This kid is not to be messed with...

Jordan Gold

That time when your young grandson saves you from police harassment…

In this short, hilarious (and actually a little disturbing) video, an unnamed toddler in a Chinese marketplace defends his grandmother from the Chengguan, a branch of local law enforcement.

Armed with only his shrill voice, his little clenched fists and a nearby metal pipe, the kid sends a clear message to the authorities – ‘don’t mess with my nan or i’ll mess you up’.

Clip via People’s Daily

The film was shared on Chinese social media site Weibo, according the People’s Daily Online, where thousands of viewers have praised the young child’s brave actions.

Initial reports indicate the Chengguan originally wanted to fine the grandma for “taking up too much sidewalk space” but later left her alone without issuing a penalty.

Good work, kid!

