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27th May 2019

Tommy Robinson laughed out of the North West as results declared

The anti-Islam candidate was milkshaked at the ballot box

Oli Dugmore

The anti-Islam candidate was milkshaked at the ballot box

Tommy Robinson put in a dismal showing in the European elections.

The UKIP adviser, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, received a paltry 38,908 votes – putting him in seventh place with less than Change UK.

As the results were read out, Robinson’s name was jeered, booed and laughed at.

The independent candidate conceded defeat after arriving at the count in Manchester late.

When he did turn up he launched into a rant about his ban from social media, alleging a government conspiracy was preventing him from fairly campaigning.

“Trump won his campaign on social media; Brexit was won on social media. I’m banned from social media,” he said. “So my ability to fight a fair campaign was gone. It was orchestrated and organised by the government.”

Robinson left when he was told he had secured around 2 per cent of the vote. In a Telegram broadcast, an encrypted social media platform from which he is not banned, he said his supporters had helped keep him alive and he was leaving to see his wife.

He did not secure enough votes to return his financial deposit.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit party will be one of the largest individual national parties in the European parliament. He has demanded a role in the Brexit negotiations because of his success, winning every declared region in the UK other than London.

The Lib Dems secured their best ever performance at a European election and the Greens their most successful ever.

For the Conservative party, one of their few MEPs to survive this electoral massacre, Daniel Hannan, said: “This is our worst ever election result.”