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26th May 2019

Tommy Robinson concedes defeat in European elections

The results aren't out yet Stephen...

Oli Dugmore

The results aren’t out yet Stephen…

Tommy Robinson has conceded defeat in the European elections.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, arrived late to the count in the north-west, delaying the declaration of results.

When he did turn up he launched into a rant about his ban from social media, alleging a government conspiracy was preventing him from fairly campaigning.

“Trump won his campaign on social media; Brexit was won on social media. I’m banned from social media,” he said. “So my ability to fight a fair campaign was gone. It was orchestrated and organised by the government.”

Nigel Farage’s Brexit party is forecast to walk the election, winning the north east of England by a healthy margin.

The first UK results from the European elections handed two seats to the Brexit Party and one to Labour in the north east of England.

The result means that Labour has lost one seat in the area with the Brexit Party building on the single seat UKIP had in the area following the 2014 elections. Lib Dems had been projected to win one seat by Sky News, however, they narrowly missed out in the final results.

Projections for the elections have suggested that Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party will receive the most seats of any party in the UK, with Lib Dems in second and Labour in third.