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09th Oct 2016

Republican Ana Navarro praised for destroying Trump over sexism and racism

Not all heroes wear capes

Nooruddean Choudry

There will be millions of people around the world punching the air in relief after watching this.

Ana Navarro Flores is a Nicaraguan-born political strategist who is a proud member of the GOP – and an even prouder American. She is a committed Republican who campaigns vociferously on their behalf, and yet is unwilling to stand by and watch Donald Trump drag her party through the mire.

Whilst other supporters and media affiliates of the Republican Party silently allow Trump to get away with casual racism, misogyny, Islamophobia and xenophobia, Navarro has had enough and has emerged as a hero to many for publicly calling out the Presidential candidate on various news outlets.

A particular source of her ire is Trump’s comments in the infamous footage from 2005, in which he is heard saying horribly sexist and misogynistic things about various women. Whilst other Republican supporters such as Scottie Nell Hughes continue to defend ‘The Donald’, Navarro isn’t having any of it.

Indeed Hughes had the temerity to admonish Navarro for repeatedly using the word ‘pussy’ whilst quoting Trump, because “My daughter is listening”. She didn’t quite see the irony in defending the original comment whilst censoring a repeat airing. Navarro shut her down perfectly.

“Don’t tell me you’re offended when I say ‘pussy,’ but you’re not offended when Donald Trump says it. I’m not running for president, he is.”

Navarro was also passionately vocal about Trump’s horrendous language and sentiments towards minority groups, specifically Mexican people. When told that she was “outrageous” for calling Trump a racist, she was again brilliantly emphatic.

“Well, let me do it again, and let me do it in two languages: Es un racista. He is a flat-out racist and it’s what he’s played on for 16 months. He is a bigot. He is a racist. He is a misogynist. He has said horrible things about women.

“He has said horrible things about immigrants, about Hispanics. He has yet to say one good thing about immigrants…Republicans need to speak up and people need to know that not all Republicans are represented by the hostile, vile voice of Donald Trump.”

Go on, Anna. You tell ’em.