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04th Apr 2017

I exposed a UKIP MEP over her bullsh*t on illegal immigrants – here’s how I did it

"Look up the word fascist and then stop doing it"


A while ago, a UKIP MEP told me to “look up the word fascist and then stop doing it” for asking her to clarify comments about immigrants.

What’s said at UKIP Spring Conference usually stays at UKIP Spring Conference, unless what you say is quoted by Ukip’s official Twitter account, in which case people can call you out on it, and you can dig yourself a considerable hole.

Which is what happened to UKIP MEP Jane Collins – y’know, the one who lost a defamation case brought by some Labour MPs and who has to pay £162,000 in damages – when she stood on stage and said, “There are hundreds of illegal immigrants arriving each week. And when we do catch them we let them go!”

Let’s take a moment to unpack that. Hundreds of illegal immigrants are arriving each week.

Hundreds EACH WEEK?

OK, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt here. Now get this: our border staff are finding them and – rather than detaining and then deporting them – are waving them cheerily through customs, for reasons unknown.

As a constituent of the Ukip MEP for Yorkshire and Humberside, I wanted to be absolutely clear about this. I asked her for her source.

She explained that she’d quoted a Sussex Police report, so I in turn asked them for clarification.

Can you see where this is going yet? Of course, no such report could initially be found online.

To cut a long story short, my representative at the European Parliament told me to “just fucking google it” and blocked me, but not before suggesting I “look up the word fascist and then stop doing it.”

Man, I love the political discourse.

It wasn’t a morning to completely write off for Jane Collins MEP, however. She did trend on Twitter.

Sussex Police later confirmed that no such report about “hundreds of illegal immigrants” existed.

Jane Collins then claimed the source was in fact a Daily Mail report about five illegal immigrants caught in a boat about seven months ago. She later locked her Twitter account.