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28th Mar 2022

Ukraine witches plan ritual to topple Putin in three days time

Kieran Galpin

The first ritual will be performed at Ukraine’s ‘place of power’

More than a dozen Ukrainian witches are taking a stand against President Vladimir Putin as they plan a mountain-top ritual.

While Ukrainian soldiers fight on the frontlines and Anonymous continues its cyberattacks, witches are now taking the fight to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the astral plane.

Sharing the news via the Witch Cauldron shop on Instagram, they explained their three-pronged attack strategy.

The ritual is set to take place on March 31 on “the 29th lunar day” exactly five weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

“We, the witches of Ukraine, in collaboration with foreign partners, will perform a ritual of punishing the enemy of the Ukrainian people – Vladimir Putin,” they wrote.

At least a dozen witches have shown their support for the ritual which will take place on Bald Mountian, Ukraine’s “place of power.”


Bald Mountain, locally referred to as Lysa Hora, is drenched in mystery and has many ties to the occult world.

“Altar knives are already being spoken to make sacrifices to the Higher Powers,” the witches added ominously.

The ritual’s second stage involves “foreign colleagues” in a “Slavic country” who will work in conjunction with the Ukrainian sorcerers. Finally, the group will create a “stone sack” for Putin, which will set the president against “isolation, ousting from power and loss of support from the inner circle.”

Decimating Putin is not the only goal – and the witches hope to empower Ukrainian forces with their magic.

Via UnSplash

“To the victory of our great people, to good luck, success and opening of roads! And may all the gods of war – Odin, Thor, Perun – accompany us!” they exclaimed.

The exact nature of these rituals is still relatively mysterious, as the witches are concerned more about interruption by opposition or curious citizens, reports Ukraine’s UNIAN news agency. 

Via UnSplash

However Putin has “strong protection” and the witches have warned that like anything, there is a chance the spell could backfire. However, the group insisted they “know what they are doing.”

“Our rite has been developed by a team of serious practitioners from day one. We are ready. We did a lot of preparatory work, breaking through the defenses of enemies, carefully planning and selecting rituals,” they added.

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