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19th Apr 2015

Video: Unlikely sex symbol Ed Miliband is a massive hit with this hen party…

There's hope for us all lads...

Ben Kenyon

Ed Miliband is not the most obvious sex symbol in the world.

But the Labour Leader was a huge hit with this hen party in Chester, the stud.

Normally the butt of Wallace and Gromit jokes, Miliband had a legion of scantily-clad girls screaming his name.

Well, that’s got to be a first.

He was mobbed by the rowdy hens on his battle bus outside a hotel in Chester as they queued up for a selfie with the would-be PM.

Known as ‘Red Ed’ in the right wing press, they’re going to have to rename him ‘Red Hot Ed’ if this carry-on is anything to go by.

Ed, you devil…