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05th Mar 2022

Vladimir Putin says western sanctions ‘equivalent to declaring war’

Kieran Galpin

He still maintains that the invasion is going well

Vladimir Putin says that Western sanctions are the “equivalent to declaring war” against Russia amid continuous attacks on the Ukrainian people.

As the world looks on at the bravery of the Ukrainian people in the face of adversity, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a series of incendiary comments akin to his previous fabricated statements.


During a meeting with female flight attendants, Putin said:  “These [sanctions] are methods of fighting against Russia. These sanctions that you can see are equivalent to declaring a war – but thankfully it has not come to an actual war but we understand what these threats are about.”

The mad tyrant also said Moscow wants Ukraine to be “demilitarised”, “de-nazified” and have a neutral status.

Despite the countless news pieces saying Russia’s invasion is failing, Putin has maintained that the invasion is going as planned.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has also accused Western nations of “economic banditry” after the behemoth of sanction imposed on Russia over the last week.

Putin put his nuclear forces on a higher alert just five days into Russia's invasion of Ukraine

“This does not mean Russia is isolated,” Peskov told reporters on Saturday. “The world is too big for Europe and America to isolate a country, and even more so a country as big as Russia.

“There are many more countries in the world.”

As Putin continues to isolate Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is still being hailed as a hero.

“Protect Volodymyr Zelenskyy at all costs. This is amazing…” wrote Rex Chapman on Twitter.

Another person wrote: “Dreaming of a future time when the UK has a leader with the same courage and integrity of Volodymyr Zelenskyy.”

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