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15th Aug 2015

Weed say this is definitely the best stoner job ever…

What a 'high'-flying career this is...

Ben Kenyon

Ask any stoner what their ideal job would be and they’ll probably tell you ‘test out cannabis for money.’

Until now it’s probably been a pipe dream (pun intended) for most.

But now The Oregonian is about to make one weed-lover’s dream come true.

The US newspaper, and its online platform Oregon Live, is actually looking for a “freelance marijuana reviewer”, now that the state has made smoking pot legal for adults over 21.

For anyone who thinks they’re a bit of a cannabis connoisseur, the job description will be music to their ears.

Weed Family Guy animated GIF

The paper is looking for a freelance critic to “review marijuana strains, infused products and highlight consumer trends unique to Oregon’s robust cannabis culture and marketplace.”

But applicants should be current medical marijuana patients and must be “an experienced cannabis consumer with deep knowledge about the variety of strains and products available on the Oregon market.”


Get your CVs ready.

H/T Mashable