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25th Sep 2021

White students asked to leave due to their ‘police lives matter’ sticker

Kieran Galpin

The women were standing up for a space they had fought hard for

A video of two white students being asked to leave a multicultural space has gone viral while also being met with some criticism.

The Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, a student group at Arizona State University, shared a multicultural centre video that shows an altercation between several students.

Though the original video is over seven minutes long, clips have made their way across the internet, going viral in the process.

Two white men are seen sitting at a desk as two women approach them to confront the lads on their controversial sticker choices. The sticker in question, placed in giant letters across the laptop, reads Police Lives Matter.

When asked about the sticker, one of the boys replies: “You have the same sticker, just the other!”

He refers to what can be assumed to be a BLM sticker.

The other man, wearing a ‘Did not vote for Biden’ shirt, questions why they have been asked to leave.

The women say they are making people feel uncomfortable, hence why they are asking them to leave.

“You’re white,” one woman says.

“Do you understand what a multicultural space [means]? It means you’re not being centred.”

“White’s not a culture?” he asked.

“No, it’s not a culture,” both women explained. “White is not a culture. Say it again into the camera – White is not a culture. You think whiteness is a culture?”

For more information on why whiteness is not considered a culture, please click here.

“Is there anywhere that I can go?” the Police Lives Matter man asked.

One of the women replied: “This is the only space that you’re not centred and you’re still trying to centre yourself, which is peak white male cis bullsh*t.”

The women continue to say that they had fought for the space for over five years.

Though the women have received immense criticism online, with some people labelling them as racist, there has also been a tremendous wave of support.

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