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Climate Change

19th Oct 2021

Woman starts driving over Insulate Britain protestor in furious standoff

Danny Jones

Insulate Britain aren’t stopping and people’s tempers are starting to boil over

As yet another Insulate Britain demonstration took place yesterday (October 18), halting many people from getting to work and their kids to school on a Monday morning, one incident could have resulted in people getting hurt.

The video, which has been reshared multiple times on social media (originally released yesterday), shows a mother attempting to do the school run when she is ultimately stopped by the climate and insulation protestors.

Clearly not willing to give them more than one warning, she gets out of the car, furiously asks them to get out of the way and then this happens:

While she is not the only motorist to have lost her patience with the protestors who have been blocking various different roads, some being major motorways, over the past weeks and months, the fact that tensions have now reached such heights that people are threatening to drive through and over protestors is immensely worrying.

This second angle shows the mum, clearly enraged, go on to explain how she doesn’t “f***ing care what the issue is” in this instance and that she simply needs to get her 11-year-old to school. Crowds are gathering at nearly every demonstration now, as more and more incidents are starting to occur.

Insulate Britain started protesting on major UK roads on September 13 2021, having held numerous different roadblocks with hundreds now having been arrested – both protestors and member of the public – in different instances.

They are protesting for all UK homes to be properly insulated therefore becoming low-energy by 2030. They have recently said they will suspend demonstrations when COP26 starts in Glasgow at the end of October.

Regardless of this undeniably important issue, many have pointed out that the disruption they have already caused begs the question as to how much additional environmental impact they have inadvertently created by jamming up roads, leaving engines running, causing significant delays and further traffic – as well as having additional police vehicles arrive on site.

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