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27th May 2019

Two MEPs with exact same name but completely opposite political views elected in south east

James Dawson

“It’s the honour of a lifetime to be elected as an MEP for south east England”

It was a momentous night for people named Alexandra Phillips in the south east of England on Sunday night with two candidates with that name elected to European parliament.

Despite sharing the same first and last name the pair of them couldn’t be any more different in terms of their political beliefs.

One stood for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party having formerly been the head of media for UKIP, while the other stood for the remain-supporting Greens having previously been elected as mayor of Brighton and Hove council.

Speaking ahead of the election, a Brexit party spokesperson had commented on the situation, they said: “The two (Alexandras)  are both in a great position to get elected and it could well be an electoral first anywhere to return two MEPs with identical names, let alone in the same region.”

The Brexit Party secured four seats in the region, including Nigel Farage retaining his seat, with Lib Dems taking three, and Labour, the Conservatives and the Greens each now holding a single seat.

Writing on Twitter following the election, the Green’s Alexandra Phillip said: “It’s the honour of a lifetime to be elected as an MEP for south east England. I want to make something very clear to those living in this part of the UK.

“Many of you weren’t born in our country, you have made a home here more recently. I stand with you

“Many of you didn’t have a vote in this election, some of you were denied one even though you had a legal right to one. I stand with you. I am *your* MEP.

“And I have a message for those MEPs elected across the country this evening who aim to use their position in Brussels to spread fear and hate. The demagogues dressing up as democrats. I will stand against you.

“I will not hesitate to make the case for an open society – and for a country where people feel at home whether they’ve been here 5 weeks or 50 years. So wherever you’ve come from, I am here to work for you.”

The vote saw a total collapse of the Conservative vote in the region, falling from 30.9 per cent to just 10.3 per cent. While the Brexit Party grew on UKIP’s previous dominance in the region.

Overall vote share in the south east of England

Brex: 36.1% (+36.1)
LDem: 25.7% (+17.7)
Grn: 13.5% (+4.4)
Con: 10.3% (-20.6)
Lab: 7.3% (-7.4)
ChUK: 4.2% (+4.2)
UKIP: 2.2% (-29.9)


