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07th Aug 2018

Boris Johnson ordered to apologise by Tory Party for burka “bank robber” comments

James Dawson

Johnson’s comments followed Denmark introducing a ban on burkas in public places

Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson has been told to apologise by the Conservative party chairman, Brandon Lewis, for comments he made about Muslim women wearing the burka.

The senior Tory sparked outrage on Monday after saying that he found the covering worn by some Muslim women “oppressive”. He also asked why they would “go around looking like letter boxes” and compared them to “bank robbers”.

He added: “In Britain today there is only a tiny, tiny minority of women who wear these odd bits of headgear. One day, I am sure, they will go.”

Johnson’s comments followed Denmark introducing a ban on burkas in public places.

Brandon Lewis is the most senior member of the Conservative party to criticise Johnson, who resigned from his position in the cabinet last month over Brexit. Lewis’ comments further pressure on Theresa May to also condemn Johnson’s remarks.

It follows widespread criticism of Johnson’s remarks, including from his own party.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Lord Sheikh, of the Conservative Muslim Forum, suggested Mr Johnson was “using Muslims as a springboard” to further his aim of leading the Tory Party. “It is a joke but in very, very bad taste,” he added

However, a source close to Johnson told the Press Association: “It is ridiculous that these views are being attacked – we must not fall into the trap of shutting down the debate on difficult issues.

“We have to call it out. If we fail to speak up for liberal values then we are simply yielding ground to reactionaries and extremists.”