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25th Jul 2019

Boris Johnson says he supports amnesty for illegal immigrants

Some people are probably confused

Oli Dugmore

Some people are probably confused

Boris Johnson made his first speech to the House of Commons on Thursday in a mammoth session, spending two and a half hours on his feet fielding questions from MPs.

John Bercow said the prime minister took 129 questions.

Johnson’s proclamations on Brexit are of most significance, particularly his total opposition to the backstop.

He ruled out accepting a time limit and insisted discussions about the Irish border should take place in the next stage of negotiations, which will focus on the future relationship between the UK and the EU.

It’s this totalism that’s drawn support from no deal corners of the country, a deliberate ploy by the Johnson administration to counter Nigel Farage and put itself on an election footing.

How those corners will receive this answer from Johnson to Rupa Huq about an amnesty for illegal immigrants is curious.

The prime minister said he supported an amnesty, decrying that some 500,000 people are not able to fully participate in the economy and pay taxes.