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16th Nov 2018

Majority of British public now against Brexit and would back People’s Vote

Wayne Farry

Just one in seven people polled believe Theresa May’s current Brexit deal would be preferable to either a no deal Brexit or staying in the European Union

More than half of the British public are now against Brexit and would support a second referendum on remaining in the European Union, a poll conducted by Sky Data has revealed.

The results of the poll emerged after Theresa May confirmed that her Cabinet had agreed to back her draft agreement for withdrawal from the European Union.

In the aftermath of that announcement on Wednesday evening, a number of ministers resigned from their positions, including the Brexit secretary Dominic Raab.

Thankfully, there has been something of a lull in proceedings since then as…. haha, just joking. It’s been an absolute mess, so much so that Theresa May is now facing a confidence vote.

Should the 1922 committee receive the required 48 letters from MPs, it would trigger a leadership contest in the Conservative Party.

That level of volatility and the longstanding confusion over exactly how Brexit will be realised appears to have led to a major shift in public opinion towards Britain’s relationship with the European Union.

Sky’s poll revealed that 54 percent of those polled would rather remain in the EU, while 32 percent would rather leave without any deal. 14 percent of people would be satisfied with a departure from the EU on the terms currently negotiated by the government.