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15th Nov 2018

Dominic Raab resigns as Brexit secretary

Wait, didn't you negotiate this deal?

Oli Dugmore

Wait, didn’t you negotiate this deal?

Dominic Raab resigned from his position Brexit secretary this morning.

The secretary for exiting the European Union was responsible for negotiating Theresa May’s draft agreement but in his resignation letter said that same agreement was not acceptable.

It throws the whole Prime Minister’s deal into jeopard – before she has even presented it to parliament.

Raab’s resignation comes within an hour of another ministerial departure, Shailesh Vara. In his letter to 10 Downing Street he said: “I believe that the regulatory regime proposed for Northern Ireland presents a very real threat tot eh integrity of the United Kingdom. Second, I cannot support an indefinite backstop agreement.”

Dominic Raab served in May’s government as justice minister, housing minister and then as Brexit secretary. He said he could not support the deal he negotiated “in good conscience.”

Still, he insisted he has “enduring respect” for the Prime Minister.

He wrote: “I cannot reconcile the terms of the proposed deal with the promises we made to the country in our manifesto at the last election. This is, at its heart, a matter of public trust.

“I appreciate that you disagree with my judgement on these issues. Ultimately, you deserve a Brexit secretary who can make the case for a deal you are pursuing with conviction.”

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