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24th Jan 2017

This Dutch video about Donald Trump is going viral for all the right reasons

"German is not even a real language."

Alex Finnis

In his inauguration speech, Donald Trump made one thing crystal clear – he’s going to be putting America first.

He impressed this point by saying the words “America first”, and then saying them again, slightly slower, like a malfunctioning fascist robot trying to remind itself exactly how it was programmed to take over the world.

This has left other countries who might want trade deals and such with the US slightly worried, countries who might have recently decided to cut ties with a huge organisation within which they did most of their trading, for example.

Well Dutch TV show Zondag met Lubach decided to get a headstart in trying to appease the new President, and to say to him, if he’s going to put America first, will he at least consider putting the Netherlands second?

And they did it in the smartest way possible – talking to Donald in a way he can definitely understand.

The video is basically a satirical advert for the Netherlands, but voiced in the style of Trump, and it’s brilliantly done.

It starts by talking about the Dutch language, and how it’s the “best language in Europe”, while Danish is “a disaster” and German is “a fake language”.

They then go on to brag about their pony park and how there’s not just a wall separating Holland from Mexico, but an entire ocean – an ocean the Dutch have of course built all by themselves.

They’re sure to mention that they have a disabled politician, who the show says Trump will love, because he can mock her.

And the Black Pete festival gets a look in too – a festival where thousands of people dress up in blackface. “It’s the most offensive, most racist thing you’ve ever seen,” the voiceover says. “You’ll love it.”

We thought Donald Trump was beyond satire. This video proves us wrong.


Donald Trump