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20th Mar 2018

US high school on lockdown following ‘tragic shooting’ on campus

Three people - including the attacker - are said to be in critical condition

Conor Heneghan

A high school in Maryland in the United States is on lockdown following a “tragic shooting” on campus on Tuesday.

St Mary’s County Public Schools posted on its website and Facebook page on Tuesday to reveal that there had been a shooting on campus, but that the event had been “contained”, the building was “orderly” and the Sheriff’s Office was conducting an investigation.

Members of the public have been asked to stay away from the campus, while students are being evacuated to a nearby auditorium, where parents of students at the school have been asked to report for reunification with their children.

According to the Baltimore Sun, a spokesperson for the county sheriff’s office said that three people had been injured in the shooting; at the time of writing, no fatalities had been confirmed.

Reuters report that the shooting was carried about by a student at the school and that two fellow students were wounded before a campus security office brought the attack to a halt by wounding the shooter.

All three are said to be in a critical condition in hospital.

The shooting in Maryland comes just a month after 17 people were killed as a result of a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on Valentine’s Day.