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09th Apr 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ask for donations to charities instead of wedding gifts

Just in case you were planning on getting them that toaster from Argos...

Simon Lloyd

Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s big day draws ever closer.

Thankfully, most of us mere mortals aren’t in a position to have to worry about what we should be getting them as a wedding gift. If you are in such a position, however, hang fire on buying them that toaster from Argos… or slipping 20 quid in with the card.

Why? Well, it turns out a member of the Royal Family and his famous actress fiancée don’t need your money or gifts. Instead, they’ve asked for donations to be made to charity.

“The couple have chosen charities [that] represent a range of issues they are passionate about, including sport for social change, women’s empowerment, conservation, the environment, homelessness, HIV and the armed forces,” a spokesperson for Kensington Palace said.

“Many of these are small charities, and the couple are pleased to be able to amplify and shine a light on their work.”

Seven charities have been selected in total. They are: Chiva (Children’s HIV Association); Crisis; the Myna Mahila Foundation; Scotty’s Little Soldiers – a charity for bereaved armed forces children; StreetGames; Surfers Against Sewage; and The Wilderness Foundation UK.

A nice gesture, we’re sure you’ll agree.

The wedding takes place in Windsor on May 19. You’ll probably here a bit about it between now and then.