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16th Jun 2020

Journalists react to far-right attacks at London protests


“People were just angry. Swearing”

The far-right protests in London over the weekend were shocking for many people to see. Some violence had been expected at these protests, which were organised under the pretence of ‘defending’ statues of the likes of Winston Churchill.

However, it was the level of violence that took people aback, as well as the level of aggression shown to both police and journalists. Members of the far-right in attendance swung punches at police, and injured some journalists in attendance.

Many were also recorded making Nazi salutes near the boxed up statue of the man they exult for stopping Nazism from coming ot the United Kingdom.

What was it like to be on the ground though? We got two of our journalists who were in the mix to react to the footage of the violence that took place that day.