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27th Dec 2020

Donald Trump reportedly wants an airport named after him when he leaves office

Wil Jones

“We are now approaching DJT International”

Donald Trump is reportedly is trying to get an airport named after him when he leaves office.

According to The Daily Beast, sources say that the President has been asking his aides and advisors about how to go about making it happen.

One Daily Beast source said that following the 2020 election, Donald Trump has been asking what “paperwork” would be required for an airport to be named after an ex-President.

Another source said that Trump has talked about how “no President” wants a bad airport named after them.

The Daily Beast also cites a third source, who stated that Trump has, on multiple occasions, said that he would like an airport named after him, and hoped that there would be a campaign to do so similar to the one to rename Washington, D.C.-area national airport after Ronald Reagan.

The same source also said that they had heard the President mention that he would like a Navy aircraft carrier to be christened the ‘USS Donald Trump’.

There are already multiple airports named after former Presidents.

Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George Washington all have airports named after them.

The most recent President to have an airport named in their honour was Bill Clinton. Adams Field airport in Littler Rock, Arkansas was renamed Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in 2012. A 2013 survey from  Travel + Leisure named it the worst national airport out of 67 considered in the report.

Houston Intercontinental Airport was renamed George Bush Intercontinental Airport, after George H. W. Bush in 1997. George W Bush does not have an airport named after him – well, not yet, anyway.