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18th Feb 2022

Terrifying moment plane is forced to abort landing at Heathrow Airport during Storm Eunice

Dave Hanratty

This is genuinely jaw-dropping

Storm Eunice is very much making its presence felt as it traverses the length and breadth of the UK.

Thanks to whoever is running the ‘BIG JET TV’ account on YouTube, thousands of people have been tuning in to watch a livestream of planes attempting to land in hazardous conditions at Heathrow Airport.

The footage is both compelling and genuinely frightening, kind of like that time everyone found themselves watching a livestream of people trying to negotiate a tricky puddle, only much more dangerous.

There’s even a guy – Jerry Dyer is his name – providing football-esque commentary, shouting things like “Come and have a go, mate!” every now and then as a plane comes closer to the action.

A passing lorry honking a loud horn felt like a jump-scare moment in a horror movie. It’s all happening.

We’re not entirely sure how safe any of this actually is but it’s hard not to tear yourself away from watching as genuine concern is growing around pilots and their passengers’ ability to touch down safely.

Storm Eunice has already clocked record gale-force winds speeds and red weather warnings across the nation have been issued, with people advised to stay indoors and take “extra precautions”.

There has already been tragic news as a result of the wild weather already, as it was reported that more than a dozen dogs were sadly killed after a powerline was snapped by a falling tree, electrocuting the poor canines.

COBRA is said to be holding an emergency meeting to address the situation as the “danger to life” appears to be increasing.

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