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19th Jul 2016

Donald Trump made a completely ridiculous WWE-style entrance to the Republican convention

Bizarre. Just bizarre

Matt Tate

Take a second to imagine the most Donald Trump entrance to a room possible.

It probably won’t surprise many of you to learn that potential next President of the United States appeared to channel the theatre of WWE as he strolled onto stage at a Republican convention.

Yep, Donald Trump was in attendance to introduce wife Melania at his party’s gathering in Cleveland, and he genuinely greeted the crowd under a cloud of smoke. His entrance music? Queen’s ‘We Are The Champions’. You’d be forgiven for thinking he’s feeling pretty confident about the upcoming US election. Here’s the clip:

Rings a bell, doesn’t it?

The internet was obviously never going to let this one pass them by, who took to Twitter to offer their take on “The Donald’s” over-the-top showmanship.


Feature image: Donald Trump at Wrestlemania 23.
