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22nd Nov 2016

Donald Trump puts Theresa May in an awkward spot with his latest Nigel Farage tweet

Not the most diplomatic piece of diplomacy

Mike Wright

Diplomacy is not one of Donald Trump’s strengths.

Which is fine, beneficial even, when you’re a reality TV star or a divisive presidential candidate.

It’s a bit more of a problem when you’re a head of state having to engage in actual diplomacy.

And Donald’s first forays haven’t been a masterclass in the delicate art of international negotiations.

So when he was weighing up the best way to telegraph to the UK government that he may want a new British ambassador, there was only one way to go.

Bluntly tweeting it to his nearly 17m followers.

Now Donald Trump will not be the first head of state to have held a view on who they’d like to be the ambassador from a certain country.

And we’re going to hold our hands up and admit we’re not completely au fait with the proper diplomatic protocol communicating that delicate matter to the country in question.

But we are pretty sure that publicly broadcasting it should be your new BFF on Twitter is not how it’s done.

Downing Street has already shot down the idea issuing a terse statement simply saying there is ‘no vacancy’ for the role.

This is not the first time Farage and Trump’s budding bromance has caused serious embarrassment for Theresa May.

She was already snubbed by Trump when he decided to have his first face-to-face meeting with a UK figure with Farage instead of her.

Judging by the strain Farage has already put on the Special Relationship in such a short space of time, we’d say the current ambassador needn’t worry too much about getting his P45 just yet.

In the meantime, we’re just going to leave this here.