The trilogy is complete.
Like The Godfather III this quiz will undoubtedly get panned by the critics and fail to live up the immortal status achieved by the Playstation 1 and the Playstation 2 screenshot quizzes.
Also like The Godfather III you will come back to this in a few years time and realise it wasn’t so bad. You might, after deep consideration, even find it to be the best one. It’s the slow burner that takes you by surprise somewhere down the line. If you’re reading this in 2021 and beyond and have had this revelation, please do track me down and apologise. Thank you. It’s appreciated.
Finally, this isn’t a University degree. None of that nonsense. This is serious stuff. You need at least 75% to pass. Anything below 15 and you are dead to me. DEAD. So try your best. No pressure.



















