If you are finding Red Dead Redemption 2 a bit slow, these little tweaks could greatly improve your experience
Red Dead Redemption 2 has generally been acknowledged as a masterpiece.
A fitting sequel to the beloved original, it is probably Rockstar’ most impressive game to date – a massive, sprawling cowboy saga, with a whole wild west county out there for you to explore.
However, unlike a lot of modern AAA games, is a very methodically and deliberately paced game. You do not run around shooting everyone like you do on a Grand Theft Auto rampage. The game forces you to take your time.
This has been a source of frustration for some players, wanting a much more ‘jump in and play’ experience, and the sometimes-clunky controls have come under a fair amount of criticism.
One Reddit user named MashXforwhat has posted how to make it a lot more user-friendly – and we’d recommend following their tips.
The most game-changing thing they points out is how to get rid of tapping X to sprint – making moving around the wild west far more intuitive.
Their instructions are as follows:
Go to ‘third person controls’
Change control scheme to ‘Standard FPS’. This moves sprint from X/A to the left control stick and crouching to X/A. Ironically ‘Standard FPS’ is what makes moving in third person easier.
Now go to ‘Accessibility’, go to ‘Running Mode’ and change it to ‘Toggle to Run’. No more holding down a button to run.
Now, instead of holding X to jog and mashing it to sprint, you click the stick once to jog, and click the stick twice to sprint. Click the stick while sprinting to go back into a jog, let off the stick a little and you go back to walking. After 17 years of having to master ‘the claw’ in Rockstar games I can finally not have to do it.
They also have a lot more useful advice, including how to improve movement and camera controls – go check out their post to get the most from the game, and make traversing across New Austin a lot more fun.