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03rd Feb 2017

A Trump adviser made up a fictional massacre and now everyone is taking the piss

"Finding these Bowling Green Massacre jokes to be a little too soon. Out of respect, we should wait until it takes place."

Rich Cooper

We’re only just into February and we’ve already hit the most batshit story of the year.

Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, gave an interview where she talked about the justification for the President’s travel ban on immigrants and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

In the interview, Conway cites two Iraqi refugees who came to the US, became radicalised and were “the masterminds behind the Bowling Green Massacre”.

Now you might not have heard of the Bowling Green Massacre because, according to Conway, “most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered”.

You also might not have heard of the Bowling Green Massacre because it never happened.

It is true that two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky and are currently serving life sentences for terrorism offences, but there was no massacre nor were they ever accused of plotting one.

Conway is best known for coining the term ‘alternative facts’ – in other words ‘legitimising absolute bollocks’ – and this appears to be a prime example of it: inventing a completely fictitious set of circumstances to justify a course of action.

It wasn’t long before people clicked that this was a massive wipe of shit, and obviously the first thing people did was pile in on Conway and her version of events.




RIP everyone who didn’t die in the Bowling Green Massacre. Your spirits will live on. Until you actually die.