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12th Aug 2021

Couple criticised for wedding invite telling guests to leave ‘little sh*ts’ at home

Kieran Galpin

WARNING: This story may contain Karen behaviour.

Wedding’s are uniquely special to the Bride and Groom. Some like tradition, others scoff at it, and some people just don’t see the point in marriage at all. But one lucky couple has rubbed family members the wrong way after their invites came with a “Sh*t you need to know” card.

My cousin sent this along with her wedding invitations… I will not be in attendance.
byu/ScaredNapkin inweddingshaming

Though it could be kind of awkward when granny goes into anaphylactic shock, underneath dietary requirements, it reads: “Eat what you’re given you fat f*cks.”

Similarly, under dress code, it reads: “Wear whatever the f*ck you want– go butt f*ck naked for all we care.” Though the idea of seeing friends and family completely naked is enough to turn anyone’s stomach, the sentiment is evident.

The most iconic line is undoubtedly the section on children. “Leave your little sh*ts at home. We want to get f**ked up (we will turn you away).”

One family member had the time to take the invite to Reddit because, of course, that’s where you go when you need to complain about family members anonymously.

“My cousin sent this along with her wedding invitations… I will not be in attendance,” they write. To be completely candid, I don’t think the same people who refer to family members as ‘Fat f*cks’ will care if their cousin attends that was probably only invited because of pressure from the soon to be anaphylactic Granny.

The comments beneath the Reddit post are as golden as can be expected. “She sounds like the type of person who owns a shirt from Hot Topic that says “I DON’T DISCRIMINATE, I HATE EVERYONE EQUALLY,” writes WarmAppleNight.

“One of 2 things will happen. The marriage will break up in fewer years than the number of times you see an F bomb in that card, OR they’re perfectly suited and they’ll be hee-hawing over that card on their 70th anniversary.

“I will say I’ve heard people express similar thoughts, but not with so much profanity and not all at once for the same event,” writes another.

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