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24th Sep 2015

David Beckham praises Eric Cantona’s refugee gesture

Simon Lloyd

David Beckham has praised former teammate Eric Cantona for the recent promise he made to help refugees.

Cantona, who played with Beckham during his final years at Manchester United, has offered to house and feed a refugee family for “at least” two years, and the former England captain described the gesture as “amazing.”

Beckham also discussed the importance of making his children aware of world issues such as the ongoing refugee crisis.

Speaking to ITV News, the former England captain admits that while he’s not as qualified as some to talk about the refugees, it’s part of his duty as a father to explain the situation to his children.

“I’m not a politician so there’s better people to speak about this than myself, but what I am is a father and when you see images like the ones we’ve all seen over the last few weeks, it’s devastating,” he explained.

“We always sit down with our children and explain things that happen,” he added.