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02nd Aug 2016

Donald Trump eats KFC like a goddamn monster

Just use your tiny, tiny hands.

Kevin Beirne

Look, we know Donald Trump was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth.

The Republican presidential nominee came from wealth, so we don’t expect him to have spent his life living off fast food like the rest of us. To be honest, we can’t really imagine Trump walking into a KFC and waiting patiently for his four-piece box only to find out they forgot the bloody gravy again.

Considering how often he brags about his wealth, we kind of just assumed that he subsisted on a diet of dolphin and other bizarre (and probably endangered) animals.

But while on the campaign trail from Pennsylvania to Virginia, Trump tried to show everyone he was just like the rest of us as he dined down on some KFC…on his private jet…with a knife and fork and no chips.

Don’t get us wrong, Trump has said and done some morally reprehensible things on his way to becoming the Republican nominee, but this might be a step too far for even his most hardened supporters.

When we put together our food rules that should never be broken, we didn’t even think to point out that you eat fried chicken with your hands (like God intended) because it’s self-evident. That’s what makes it finger-lickin’ good.

In fairness, at least the reality TV star/presidential nominee of one of the most important political parties in the world remained on-brand with his desire for putting all words in their largest possible font size.

But this isn’t even the first time that Trump has shown an inability to perform one of the most basic tasks known to man and eat food correctly.

In fact, it’s not even the second time.

Here’s how he thinks you’re supposed to eat a slice of pizza (once again, breaking our food rules).

And here he is with the saddest looking hotdog of all-time which looks big in his tiny hands.

Sort it out, Donald.

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Donald Trump