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08th Jul 2016

Five police officers shot dead by snipers during protest over police shootings in Dallas

11 officers have been shot, with some in critical condition.

Conor Heneghan

Five police officers have been killed and a further seven wounded in Dallas after shots were fired by snipers during a protest over the fatal shootings of two men by US police this week.

One suspect was arrested late on Thursday night during a shootout with police, while another suspect, a photo of whom had been released by the Police Department as a ‘Person of Interest’, turned himself in on Thursday night.

Roughly 800 people had shown up in the downtown area of Dallas in order to protest the fatal shootings of two African American men – Alton Sterling and Philando Castile – by police in Louisiana and Minnesota respectively this week.

Videos emerged online this week of both incidents which took place just a day apart, and on other sides of the country.

The protest had been proceeding peacefully, with police officers and protesters even posing for photographs together, until approximately 9pm local time when shots were fired in the direction of police officers by two snipers located in elevated positions.

Five police officers lost their lives as a result and one civilian was among a number of people wounded during the shooting.

David police chief David Brown said he believed the suspects “threatened to plant a bomb in the downtown area” after a suspicious package was found near one of the suspects, which the bomb squad have since investigated.

Officers are also questioning the occupants of a black Mercedes that was seen speeding away from the scene.


It has been confirmed that a fifth officer has now died following injuries sustained during the shooting.


Fox News are reporting that the remaining suspect has shot himself in a standoff with police.


USA,World News