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15th May 2020

HS2 protesters take to the trees to halt construction


HS2 is a controversial project

For all of its nascent life, the HS2 project has been controversial. Upon completion, the high speed railway network will link London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds with a new Y-shaped network.

But throughout each and every step, the project has been dogged with controversy. Many of the complaints stem from the astronomical costs involved in its construction and planning.

Despite being only in the first phase of the early stage of construction, estimated costs for the project are already over initial estimates.

The impact on nature is also an aspect of the project which has angered many. While much of the country is focused on coronavirus and the lockdown, a group of protesters in Crackley Wood, Warwickshire have been taking to the trees to try and halt construction.

After years of austerity, they state that it is foolish to spend money on a rail network which will get people to London or Manchester 20 minutes faster, especially when it could be money used to put food on people’s tables.