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06th Oct 2015

Instagram boss indicates that music will become “more dominant” on the app


Instagram boss Kevin Systrom has indicated that he expects music to play an “even more dominant role” on the app in the future.

Systrom explained that he’s been surprised at the interest surrounding music-related content on the app.

“We never knew music would take off in the way it did but now 25% of our top [most followed] accounts are music related,” he told BBC Newsbeat.

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Having recently turned five, the app launched @music back in April.

“We realised there’s this whole community of interesting bands and musicians on Instagram so that’s what the account is all about,” Systrom explains.

With 491,000 followers, by social media standards @music hasn’t exploded into life just yet – not that this is of concern to Systrom.

“Instagram’s all about finding the unknown photographer or that little gem and we started doing that with music… I think it’s been very successful so far.”