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08th Mar 2017

On International Women’s Day, this guy is responding to everyone asking why there’s no International Men’s Day

See you again on March 8, 2018, Richard

Conor Heneghan

Except there is an International Men’s Day. Every single year.

March 8, is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate and pay tribute to the important female figures in your life and to commemorate the struggles that women have endured to achieve equality throughout history.

In 2017, the theme for International Women’s Day is #BoldforChange, with people all over the world being encouraged to call on the masses to help forge a better-working and a more inclusive, gender-equal world.

Every single year, the day itself brings out a minority of men who want to rain on the parade by wondering aloud, or at least on social media, why there is no International Men’s Day.

Those people seem to conveniently forget that there IS an International Men’s Day on November 19, but despite the fact that it has a firm place in the calendar, it seems to be conveniently forgotten every single year.

That’s where stand-up comedian Richard Herring comes in and this year, as he has done on this day every year for the past number of years, he is tirelessly facing down some of the more ignorant males on Twitter to serve them a timely reminder.

Below is just a sample of tweets from a very busy morning for Richard so far.

See you again on March 8, 2018, Richard.

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