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04th Oct 2016

Lindsay Lohan posts first image after half her finger is ripped off in boating accident


Alan Loughnane

This could have been a lot worse…

Lindsay Lohan has undergone surgery after she lost part of her ring finger in a boating accident according to TMZ.

Lohan was in Turkey when she attempted to pull the anchor on the boat, at which point her hand became entangled in it which dragged her into the water. Reports suggest she struggled to return to the boat as she attempted to disentangle herself from the anchor.

Her friends found her detached finger resting on the deck of the boat and rushed back to shore where it was reattached.

Lohan took to social media, posting a video of her finger after the surgery on snapchat with the caption:  “I almost lost my finger from the anchor. Well, I lost half my finger, thank goodness we found the piece of my finger … I just had surgery to fix it.”

Thank goodness for that.

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