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15th Oct 2016

The incredibly depressing reason why #repealthe19th is trending


Nooruddean Choudry

Since World War Two, the prevailing sense in the western world has been that we generally progress as a society with passing of the years.

That progress may be maddeningly slow at times – disgracing so in some cases – but the assumption has remained that each generation lives in a more fair-minded, enlightened and equal world than the last. Slowly but surely we relieve ourselves of the long held prejudices of our ancestors and learn to adjust to a fairer way of living.

Sadly, the last few years have shown worrying signs of a reversal of that pattern. The far-right are on the rise across Europe, whilst in America, the politics of fear that was established and honed by George W Bush and his neoconservative advisors has been amplified and further warped by the uncompromising Tea Party movement.

Image result for george bush dick cheney

Now Donald Trump, with all his hateful diatribe and divisive comments, is in a two-horse race for the White House. The fact that a man who has openly espoused Islamophobic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic and frankly undemocratic views is representing the ‘Grand Old Party’ of Abraham Lincoln is a sad indictment of the age.

As shamefully opportunistic and morally bankrupt as Trump may be, he is nothing compared to large portions of his support. For every genuinely disillusioned American yearning for an ‘anti-establishment’ option in the white male billionaire who was born into money, there is hateful bigot looking to target minorities or any kind.

The latest polls show that if it wasn’t for female voters, Trump would sweep to power with a very strong mandate (no pun intended). Inversely, if only women voted and men did not, Clinton would demolish her Republican foe by a massive 458 electoral votes to 80. Trump’s supporters aren’t happy about this.

They have taken to social media to share and grow their ‘repeal the 19th’ movement. Indeed, #repealthe19th has been trending and gaining significant traction. It refers to the nineteen amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women (white women at the time) the right to vote when it was ratified on August 18, 1920.

That’s right – it’s 2016 and the more extreme element of Trump’s supporters – both male and female – are calling for a repeal to the law allowing women to vote. Some are suggesting it’s merely a joke and trolls at play, but that’s not how it has been adopted and propagated by Trump devotees eager to push America back into the dark ages.

Land of the Free indeed…