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30th May 2015

Video: Nymphomaniac star Shia LaBeouf with the most bizarre motivational speech ever

Shia madness...

Ben Kenyon

We love a bit of #MondayMotivation here at JOE.

Who doesn’t?

But this motivational video from wacky actor Shia LaBeouf was so wacky we just had to bring it to you early.

LaBeouf goes all Wolf of Wall Street with probably the greatest/weirdest (delete as appropriate) pep talk you’re ever likely to see on the internet.

We say motivational, but it’s essential the American screaming “just do it” at the camera for 60 seconds.

What was it all for? Well, LaBoeuf, who starred in Lars von Trier’s extreme Nymphomaniac and Transformers, was helping some London art students out on a project.

Er, thanks Shia.

Get him to Wembley before Villa and Arsenal kick off.

(H/T Independent)

