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13th Nov 2021

Weather presenter completes epic 24-hour ‘Drumathon’ for BBC Children in Need

Danny Jones

An absolutely incredible feat for a wonderful cause

BBC weather presenter Owain Wyn-Evans has officially completed his 24-hour ‘Drumathon’ for BBC Children in Need. Unreal effort – take a bow, son.

The 37-year-old set out on the charitable adventure with a unique take on fundraising with teams of drummers rotating in to join him on his epic 24-hour journey. More importantly, his efforts helped raise over two million pounds for Children in Need.

Watch the moment as the countdown ended and the klaxon sounded, signifying not only the end of his incredible saga but a truly landmark achievement for the annual telethon:

The Welshman finished his Drumathon to the tune of Britney Spears’ ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’, toasting the singer’s equally joyous freedom from her 13-year conservatorship.

From the second he lays the sticks down and finally gives his arms a rest, the rush of emotion hits him and he can’t help but well up as he is celebrated and interviewed by his fellow colleagues.

Owain afforded himself five-minute breaks between each hour to stave off the achy arms and blistered palms as best he could. There is genuine pain on that man’s face but still, he kept going. Some hustle.

He and his hordes of drummers – which included 50 members from the Royal Marine Corps – played everything from the Rocky theme ‘Gonna Fly Now’, to ‘We Built This City’ by Starship and Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’.

Missed an absolute tap-in to play ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ at the mid-way point but we’ll let him off…

While he kicked things off fantastically and the gravity of every tune felt just as massive as the last, this was perhaps one of the coolest moments of them all. Absolutely mint:

Well done, Owain – not only have you absolutely smashed those drums but you have absolutely smashed it for Children in Need with a creative and captivating approach to raising both crucial funds and awareness.

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